Rage is a Japanese artist releasing designer toys and other works under the Grape Brain name. His works are vibrant, full of personality and combine Eastern and Western styles and motifs into something all its own.
Wanting to get to know him better, our Japanese speaking correspondent A.J sent Rage some questions to answer over email. It’s our first ever duel language interview and we are excited to present it to you!
You can read our interview with Rage – in both English and Japanese – below…
GRAPE BRAINの名前でデザイナーのおもちゃやその他の作品を作っている。作品は活気に満ち、個性に溢れ、東洋と西洋のスタイルとモチーフを組み合わせて独自のものにしています。
私たちの日本語を話す会員のA.Jさんもっとよく知りたいと思って、メールでGRAPE BRAINに質問を送くりました。これは私たちの初めての決闘言語インタビューであり、あなたにそれを提示することに興奮しています!
☆ Name:
RAGE, I make work under the name of GRAPE BRAIN.
☆ Hometown?
Fukuoka prefecture in Japan.
☆ Where do you live now?
Fukuoka prefecture in Japan.
☆ What is your earliest memory of making art?
I’ve always loved drawing. From a very young age, I was drawing all the time.
I couldn’t possibly remember the first time!

☆ When and why did you decide to make art toys?
I have been interested in art toys since I was in my twenties. I always thought I’d like to make my own someday. My first art toy debuted five years ago.

☆ I’m a big fan of the manga on your website. Do you have any plans to make more?
Thank you very much. I have dreamed of being a manga artist since I was a child, but I’m an easily bored type of person, and I often lose focus before a story is completed…
That’s the main reason why I shifted to expressing myself through illustrations.
I really like drawing manga, so I’ll continue doing it, but it will probably be in short story form.

☆ What do you think is the main difference between the East and West art toy scenes?
That’s quite clear to me. Western audiences like big and powerful designs. Eastern audiences like small and cute designs.
I like both styles, and I try to incorporate both elements into my designs.

☆ What was the significance of toys to you as a child?
I had so many toys. Toys were objects to collect, but also like a real friend to play with.
It’s still the same, even as an adult.
Toys are very important items in shaping me into the person I am.
☆ You have done many collaborations with artists. Recently, Candie Bolton and previously Mishka. Do you have a favourite experience?
I can’t decide on a favourite. I respect all the artists I’ve worked with. They all brought something interesting to the projects.
If there is a good match of style and vision with a particular artist, I would like to continue to do collaborations like these in the future.

☆ GRAPE BRAIN’s work has themes of Eastern and Western culture. What are some your inspirations?
My work is full of contradictions, as written on the top page of the homepage. That’s because I only draw what I like.
I really appreciate and am interested in different cultures from around the world. With GRAPE BRAIN, I want to create a world that unites all these ideas.
Text from the top of GRAPE BRAIN homepage below:
“Grotesque yet cute. Dated yet cool. Erotic yet pure. Rock yet pop.
Japanese-style yet western-style. Digital yet analog. Violent yet peaceful.
A fool yet a genius. A grown up yet a child.
GRAPE BRAIN – a graphic machine, possessed by a ‘Grape Brain (Matter)’
Full of paradoxes. GRAPE BRAIN represents the way of life of a perverted man named ‘RAGE’, who can’t do anything other than drawing.”

☆ Do you have any favourite parables or myths?
My favourite stories are of the Japanese youkai.
Youkai can be monsters and also gods. They do both good and bad things. They are scary, but also charming. There is a lot of contradiction.
Youkai are my original inspiration. I also love Western monsters.

☆ Tell us about the processes related to soft vinyl manufacturing, from the concept, to sculpting, making, packaging and final release.
An idea for a toy will strike me. I build it up little by little in my head. When it feels organized, I’m ready to draw it out on paper.
My job is to design the character and do a 3D-view drawing (turnaround).
The sculpting, moulding and painting processes are outsourced.
After that, I will design the package and package it myself.

☆ Who would win in a fight between your characters Makaroni and Onigiri?
Makaroni is a Mexican salamander, and Onigiri is a cat, so if they had a fight, onigiri would probably win.
But they don’t fight.

☆ Do you have any future projects?
I have many projects in the works. I can’t announce anything right now, but please look out for them.
I am looking into making art outside of art toys as well.
☆ Where can people find you if they want to get in touch?
Follow my social media and message me on there.
- Instagram: @grapebrain_rage
- Twitter: @RAGE_ERADA
- Website: www.grapebrain.net
(Q) ☆故郷はどこですか。
(A) 日本の福岡県です。
(Q) ☆今どこに住んでいますか。
(A) 日本の福岡県です。
(Q) ☆いつ、そしてなぜ最初にアートを作り始めたのですか。
(A) 幼少期からずっと絵を描句ことが好きでずっと描いています。
(Q) ☆いつ、なぜアート玩具を作ることにしたのですか。
(A) アート玩具は20歳代の時から興味がありました。
(Q) ☆ウェブサイトで漫画の大ファンです。もっと作る予定はありますか。
(A) ありがとうございます。
(Q) ☆東西のアートトイシーンの主な違いは何だと思いますか。
(A) それは明確にあります。
(Q) ☆子供の時、おもちゃはどのような意義を果たしましたか。
(A) 僕はたくさんのおもちゃを手に入れました。
(Q) ☆東西のアーティストとコラボレーションをしています。例えば、Candie Bolton や Mishkah などです。 一番好きなありますか。
(A) 一番は決められない。
(Q) ☆GRAPE BRAINの作品には、日本と西洋の文化のテーマがあります。霊感は何ですか。
(A) 僕の作品はホームページのトップページに書いている様に矛盾だらけです。
それを一つにした世界をGRAPE BRAINで生み出していきたい。
(Q) ☆一番好きな寓話や神話はありますか。
(A) 僕が一番好きな物語は日本の妖怪です。
(Q) ☆最初のアイデアから、彫刻、作る、パッケージング、そして最終的なリリースまで、ソフA) ビの製造に関連するのプロセスについて教えてください。
(A) アイデアは突然思いつきます。
(Q) ☆まかろにとおにぎりの戦えば誰が勝つでしょうか。
(A) まかろにはメキシコサラマンダー、おにぎりは猫なので戦うとおにぎりが勝つかもしれない。
(Q) ☆将来的にのプロジェクトがありますか。
(A) たくさんのプロジェクトが動いています。
P.S / 追伸
AJさんはKAYOとして知られるメルボルンからアーティストです。日本語は母国語ではありません。まだ学んでいるので、間違いを許してください。 AJさんは、インタビューを辛抱強く理解してくれたGrape Brainに感謝します。