- Released By = Mikee Riggs and his company ‘Atomica Exotica’.
- Figure Name = Witch Doctor Kaduku – Garamon colourway edition.
- Edition Size = Unknown / Secret (Mikee told us he forgets exactly how many were painted up by Grizlli Atom aka Griz Biz Niz.)
- Material = Made in Japan soft vinyl plastic aka sofubi.
- Country of Production = Designed by Mikee Riggs in America. Sculpted by American artist Jorge Macswiney aka Macsorro. Produced by American company Lulubell Toys. Manufactured in Japan by Dennis from Shirahama Toy. Painted by American artist Grizlli Atom aka Griz Biz Niz. Header card art by Russian artist Acid Ma.
- Size = Height of 12.5cm (bottom of feet to top of hat) X Depth of 5cm (front to back of head) X Width of 8cm (hand to hand.)
- Size of Severed Head Omake = 3.25cm tall X 2.25cm depth X 2.25cm width.
- No of Parts = 4 (head, torso and 2 arms.)
- No of Extras = Sold bagged with header and included a severed head sofubi omake, 3 stickers, a yellow rubber snake, a purple hard plastic swizzle stick and 3 plastic gold coins.
- Character Debut = Witch Doctor Kaduku debuted as a sculpt in September 2017 and was first released in vinyl form at Designer Con (Dcon) in November 2018.
- Release Price = US$ 75 (The Garamon tribute Kaduku was originally sold at the November 2019 Dcon show.)
- Genre = Designer Toy.

Read the full review below…
Back Info
The Witch Doctor Kaduku Sofubi is from ‘Atomica Exotica’, a brand run by American toy designer Mikee Riggs – A long-term toy fan and designer who released his first sofubi figure, Ian the Sewer Creep back in 2012 under his ‘Toys Are Sanity’ brand.

Featuring custom work by HelloPike.
Aside from his work with ‘Toys Are Sanity’ Mikee has also previously collaborated with Grizlli Atom aka Griz Biz Niz – the artist behind the Garamon colourway’s paint work. On the Old Ones series of 7 sofubi figures that debuted in 2013 at New York Comic Con, under the ‘Gnosis’ brand.

With ‘Atomica Exotica’ being one of 2 new brands – the other being ‘Blk Clvd’ – that Mikee launched in 2018 after a few years break from toy designing.
With ‘Atomica Exotica’ the vehicle for his Tiki and Mid Century Modern inspired designs, and ‘Blk Clvd’ used for his occult influenced works.
The Sculpt
Your eyes open as you slowly awake. Feeling dazed as you take in the darkness of the jungle around you – made visible by the flicker of flames surrounding you.
Suddenly it dawns on you that you feel wet… and… warm.
Your body aches as you jolt into full consciousness.
You turn your head to find that you are totally naked, submerged up to your neck in water, inside some kind of small round bath – possibly a cauldron.
You tug on your arms only to realise that they have been tied behind your back with rope. You attempt to move your legs and feet, but they too have been tied.
Panic sets in as you realise the ghastly and somewhat cliched situation you have found yourself in.
You wriggle, writhe and squirm – attempting to escape the ropes to no avail.
You pause and breathe. To allow yourself to re-group and think rationally – taking in the jungle and your surrounds one again. You attempt to work out exactly where you are, and how you can escape…
“Come on ole chap – you have gotten out of far worse situations than this in the past,” you think to yourself.
But no matter how hard you try; you just can’t seem to think of a way to escape! You curse yourself and the mess you have gotten yourself into…
What seems like hours pass, with the water around you growing warmer with each minute…
Suddenly you see a squat, human-like creature walking towards you from the darkness.
As the creature gets closer you are able to take it all in – It’s some sort of pagan, perhaps even a vodun or witch doctor. Its eyes are bulging and it seems frantic. Crazed even.
Looking up towards the creature’s head you see that the dastardly thief is wearing your ceremonial Odd Fellows felt hat – You curse the creature and vow revenge.
You notice that, in addition to your hat the creature is also adorned with a pouch covered loincloth, a necklace of bones and some piercings – including a bone through its nose.
In its right hand it carries a large ceremonial pole. Its left holding a tiny monkey sized severed head.
The pagan creature continues to advance. Only stopping when it is right in front of you…
With it standing there, less than a metre away from you, you realise just how filthy, dirty and smelly it is. Bugs and spiders are crawling all over its skin, a yellow tree snake dangles from its shoulders.
Its pungent smell reminding you of death and decay.
You are enveloped by fear…
You begin praying, and think of your beloved back at home – for what you can only assume will be the final time – when the creature moves again…
It places the large pole, severed head, and yellow snake on the ground – the pole landing with a loud THUD, the snake quickly coiling itself around the severed head.
It uses its hands to open the pouches of its loincloth, removing fistfuls of various coloured powders, throwing them into the water that surrounds you.
A strange sickly-sweet smell envelops you as the powders bubble, froth and dissolve in the water.
You plead with the creature to spare your life – but it ignores your cries.
As you stoically contemplate your inevitable death the creature playfully stares you in the eyes as it gingerly removes its loincloth – maintaining eye contact the whole time.
The creature is now standing totally naked in front of you.
Just outside the cauldron.
Without warning, the creature picks up the large pole from the ground, which it uses as a support to vault into the water with you – landing with a SPLASH.
Now in the water with you, the creature smiles, unties the ropes around your arms and legs, places its hairy arm over your shoulder and shouts in a shrill, squeaky voice, “IT’S HOT TUB TIME!”

Kaduku and its severed head omake are brilliantly sculpted by American artist Jorge Macswiney aka Macsorro. They are both squat, toyetic, organic, cute, a little bit creepy, uncluttered and covered with just enough detail to imbue them with personality.
Working from the top of the figure down, Kaduku comprises a tiki-style hat covered in a skull, flowers and geometric forms. An oversized head with comical bulging eyes, earrings a bone through its nose, a long facial scar, sharp teeth and a beaded necklace. A zombie-like right arm, that appears to have been stitched together. A left arm with bangles. A large, fat belly adorned with a bone necklace. A pouch covered loincloth around its waist to protect its dignity. A back covered in insects – namely a worm and a spider. Short stumpy legs with standard sized feet.
Finally – Kaduku has been finished with makers marks denoting maker and country of manufacture on the bottom of its feet.

Turning now to the small, severed head omake – It comprises long straggly hair that has been tied into a top-not, two ears, a large flat nose along with stitched closed eyes and lips that echo the stitches on Kaduku. Further, the severed head also features an “x” on its forehead – possibly referencing the similar forehead “x’s” infamously worn by Charles Manson and his Family

The Material
This run of Kaduku is made out of milky clear blue Made in Japan soft vinyl aka sofubi.
The Smell
That classic and beautiful sofubi smell – organic and softly sweet.
There’s simply nothing else like it!
And we are happy to admit it’s a smell we are obsessed with.
(Editor: Someone make a Sofubi cologne already! Marc Jacobs – We’re looking at you!)

The Custom Work
Witch Doctor Kaduku has been painted in a modern remix of the iconic vintage Garamon sofubi colourway. Namely the milky-white sprays and yellow, red, black and white detailing of the Garamon colourway; with the addition of green and a gun metal silver for a bit of flare.
It’s a perfect tribute to the Garamon colourway, with extra additions that make it its own.

* Can it Stand = Yes
* Can it Sit = No
* Can it Be Placed Level on a Flat Surface = Yes
* Is it Easily Breakable = No.
* Accessories = Lots: Our Kaduku came with the standard Severed Head omake, as well as a yellow soft plastic snake, 3 hard plastic coins, a purple swizzle stick and 3 stickers.
* Size = Kaduku is a great size and well proportioned – the slightly oversized head, and squat form highlighting the cute yet creepy aspect of the figure.
We haven’t verified this with Mikee himself, but we have a sneaky suspicion that Mikee designed Kaduku to be in scale with, and reference one of his favourite toys – the Cadaver Kid sofubi from fellow American designer Joe Merrill and his company ‘Splurrt.’ Originally released back in 2011. As the Cadaver Kid figure is only slightly shooter than Kaduku at approximately 11.45cm / 4.5 inches, is similarly proportioned and features the exact same articulation.
Additionally, the stitches on the arm and face of Kaduku and the eyes and mouth of the severed head also mimic the many stitches on the Cadaver Kid – further proof that in addition to being a unique figure in its own right Kaduku is also a loving homage to the works of ‘Splurrt’ and his pioneering Cadever Kid figure.

The Packaging
The Garamon colourway Kaduku came bagged with a cardboard header attached with staples – A timeless and in our opinion, perfect way to package a toy.
Why is that you ask? Well you can open it up for play, but still easily re-seal it up just like new! Plus the plastic bag and cardboard header can be easily flattened and stored – taking up minimal room.
With the art on the header being an epic depiction of Kaduku by Russian artist Acid Ma.

Production wise the figure is perfect – being made out of flawless sofubi.
The paint work does have a few tiny issues that said – a small paint flaw on the left eye and a minuscule section near the right eyebrow were paint is missing, but they are understandable flaws and don’t distract from the figure at all. If anything, they just add that extra organic factor, being proof of a human hand at work.
However, we do wish the sculpt of the figure had a bit more depth and associated detail to it – to really bring out its form.

Witch Doctor Kaduku is a perfect modern kaiju – it pays respect to the roots of vintage and modern sofubi, looks like a toy as opposed to a model kit / statue, and it’s unique and original.
Plus, it’s a whole lotta fun.
Proof that whilst the hype-beasts and clout chasers in the Sofubi scene may be going crazy over hyper detailed, ridiculously expensive, boring monsters – there are still people out there like Mikee who want to keep the scene fun, community minded, playful and collaborative.
Indeed – Kaduku is easily one of the best debut figures we have seen from a new toy company! Mikee and everyone involved in Witch Doctor Kaduku have outdone themselves.
We can’t wait to see what Mikee and ‘Atomica Exotica’ are going to reveal next!

- Atomica Exotica – Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/atomica_exotica/
- Mikee Riggs – Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/coma21/